We were interviewed by “InterTour”, a company research website for job hunting students!
We were interviewed by “InterTour”, a company research website for students looking for work, run by the Student Employment Support Centre!
InterTour is one of the largest interview platforms in Japan.
It is used by 50,000 students.
From our company, a new employee for 2021 was interviewed.
He was a student himself until last year, so we think we were able to convey the appeal of our company from a perspective closer to that of students.
If you are a student currently job hunting, or are interested in our company, please take a look!
【Contact Us】
4F Shiba NA Building, 3-6-10, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 105-0014
CEO: Akinori Adachi
COO: Kenta Omori
E-mail: info@standage.org