

[Staff Blog] Typhoon situation in Africa🌀


Hello, I'm staff member Mmi (*^^*)
Another typhoon is approaching Japan.
The wind and rain are already strong, and Mmi, who hasn't changed her clothes yet, is shivering with cold (*´Д`)

Japan is a country that really gets a lot of typhoons.
So what is the typhoon situation in Africa?

So today I would like to talk about typhoons.

You probably know from the news that America is hit by "hurricanes" and Thailand and Myanmar are hit by "cyclones."

-So, what's the difference?

In fact, it's all the same phenomenon.
"Typhoons," "hurricanes," and "cyclones" are all tropical cyclones accompanied by strong winds, but they have different names depending on where they occur.

➡The name used when it exists in the South China Sea or near Japan.

→The name used when it exists near Central America or in the northeast Pacific Ocean.

➡The name used when it is in an area other than that where it is called a typhoon or hurricane.
A cyclone is also a general term for low pressure systems, and is used when there is no specific name for it, such as a typhoon or hurricane.

In Africa, tropical cyclones are called "cyclones" rather than "typhoons."

Last year, two major cyclones struck southern Africa, causing extensive damage.
It is said that the death toll was 1,000 and the number of affected people was 520,000; looking at the numbers alone, the damage is incomparable to that in Japan.

Troubles in Southern Africa after cyclone

Moreover, Africa still does not have a system in place to provide long-term assistance or relief supplies quickly, as is the case in Japan.
Disasters overseas aren't often covered on Japanese TV, but if you're interested, be sure to check out the websites below.

▶Japan Platform, an NGO that provides emergency humanitarian assistance during conflicts and disasters

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