

[Staff Blog] This year's summer getaway is set in Africa!


Hello! I'm staff member Mmi!


It's only July now, but the temperature is already midsummer.

It seems like every year I hear news like, "This year's temperature is x degrees Celsius higher than average."


This year, the rainy season ended abruptly.
The severe heat has already hit Japan,

I wonder what will happen from now until August...(´;ω;`)


Our company is based in Nigeria,

In fact, if we look at the highest summer temperatures,

Did you know that it is much lower than Japan?


In Lagos, Nigeria,

Throughout the year the temperature varies from 24°C to 33°C.

Even during the hottest months, the temperature rarely exceeds 34°C.


In Japan, temperatures exceeding 35℃ in midsummer

It has become commonplace now,

It's not uncommon to hear people say, "It's much hotter than Africa today!"

What is the reality...?

(Source: Travel.info https://www.ryoko.info/Temperature/nigeria/lagos.html )


If you look at this,

The coldest month of the year in Lagos is August.

The average minimum temperature is 24°C and the maximum temperature is 28°C.


Africa while Japan is suffering from the heatwave

Isn't it really comfortable here?


Okinawa is a very popular summer resort.

The average temperature during the same period (August) is 26 to 31 degrees Celsius.

It might be nice to spend the sweltering heat of August in Lagos ( ´艸`)


By the way, Egypt (where STANDAGE is based) is reminiscent of the scorching sun.

The temperature in the capital, Cairo, in August is around 35°C.

It rarely falls below 32°C or rises above 38°C.


It's almost as hot in Japan as it is in Egypt right now... ( ノД`)


Furthermore, Kenya, a country located directly on the equator in East Africa, and its neighbor Tanzania

Most of the inland areas are at altitudes of over 1000m,

It's not too hot or too cold throughout the year

It seems like it's a very comfortable place to live!


Regarding Nairobi, the capital of Kenya,

The annual temperature range is about 12℃ to 27℃.

It's far from the scorching sun.


When you hear the word "Africa"

People tend to imagine a savanna with wild animals roaming about.
It seems incredibly hot,

Comparing the two, it seems like the Japanese summer is overwhelmingly more difficult to live through (^^;)


STANDAGE is a great place to enjoy the sweltering heat.

We will do our best to help you with your trade!

"I don't know where to start when it comes to trade..."

I don't understand any African languages...

"The process is complicated and the fees are too high!"

If you are a company with such concerns,
Please feel free to contact STANDAGE!

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