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Standage's sake-focused cross-border e-commerce site "YUKARI" is now open to the general public


Available to purchase online from Europe and the US. Delivered in about 2 weeks via temperature-controlled air freight.


STANDAGE Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Akinori Adachi; hereinafter referred to as Standage), which develops and provides digital trade platforms, launched the cross-border e-commerce site "YUKARI" on September 29, 2023, which sells Japanese sake and other Japanese products to general consumers in Europe and the United States as part of an export support project. The "YUKARI" website for corporations (local restaurants, hotels, etc.) has been operating as a members-only site since spring 2023, and this is the newly launched version for general consumers.
We handle sake and liqueurs from over 15 domestic breweries, and use the temperature-controlled air freight transport network that Standage has built to transport them. We deliver products to customers in about two weeks from the time of order under strict temperature control.


Starting in 2022, Standage will be offering DigiTrad, a package service that provides complete support for domestic companies entering the export market.
As an offshoot of this, we began offering a plan specializing in the export of Japanese culture at the end of 2022, which limits the merchandise to sake and Japanese products and the sales channels to European and American restaurants, and from around spring 2023 we have been selling these on the cross-border e-commerce site "YUKARI", which serves as a sales platform.
Currently, approximately 50 restaurants and hotels, mainly in France and the UK, are registered as members, and in May 2011, tasting events for local restaurant professionals were held in Paris and London.


The popularity of Japanese sake overseas continues to grow, and many brands are exported, mainly from major sake breweries. However, temperatures inside sea-transport containers can reach nearly 30-40 degrees, posing challenges in terms of quality control, particularly for exports to Europe and the United States, where transportation takes several months.
Exports are generally made in reefer containers (refrigerated), but land transportation after arrival at the port is left to the discretion of local wholesalers, meaning that traceability all the way to the customer is not possible. Many breweries are particular about quality and their products, so they hesitate to export for this reason.


When Standage launched its sake export support business, it worked with a partner company to build a new international logistics network that utilizes temperature-controlled air freight in order to solve these issues.
We use aircraft for transportation, and are thorough in maintaining a constant temperature throughout the entire process, including land transportation before and after. By outsourcing all land transportation from the airport to the customer's address to the same transportation partner, we can guarantee door-to-door traceability and deliver the product to the customer within two weeks of ordering.
Furthermore, the construction of this logistics network is being undertaken as a subsidized project by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.


Until now, YUKARI has only sold to corporations such as restaurants and hotels, but it has now decided to start selling to general consumers in Europe and the United States as well, and has launched a cross-border e-commerce site specializing in sales to general consumers.
As with corporate orders, products will be delivered to customers via temperature-controlled airmail within two weeks of ordering.


◇ Cross-border e-commerce for Japanese sake aimed at general consumers "YUKARI"
*Please note that purchases cannot be made from within Japan.


Standage will continue to strive to realize a society in which all countries have equal access to all goods, and will continue to support domestic companies to enable them to freely enter trade regardless of their size or merchandise.

Making trade freer and easier

For trade-related inquiries, please contact us here.