

Standage Corporation and Navis LP Partner to Expand Navis Business in Japan

株式会社スタンデージとNavis LPが提携し、日本でのNavis事業を拡大へ

STANDAGE Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Akinori Adachi, hereinafter referred to as Standage)
) and Navis LLC (Head office: 55 Harrison Street, #600, Oakland, CA 94607 USA CEO: Kirk
Knauff (hereinafter referred to as Navis) has entered into a business partnership to provide a port cargo management system for the Japanese market.
We are pleased to announce that we have jointly started selling stems.

︎▶Background of the business partnership
In recent years, as container ships have become larger, the number of containers loaded and unloaded per port call has increased, and the arrival of trailers carrying containers is increasingly concentrated at certain times of the day. This is one of the causes of congestion in front of the terminal gates, and there is a need to alleviate this congestion as soon as possible.
Additionally, there are still many areas where system implementation has not progressed, such as terminal management being dependent on personal input and information being exchanged on paper.

Therefore, as part of the digital forwarding system that STNADAGE is promoting, we have partnered with Navis, which boasts the world's largest market share for terminal operation systems, to begin providing port systems domestically. The introduction of Navis' port system will prevent terminal congestion, human error, and man-made disasters, and promote the development of an efficient port management system.

︎▶Outline of business partnership

Navis is the leading global provider of Terminal Operating Systems (TOS) for ports, helping modern terminals operate at peak productivity and efficiency. Navis offers best-in-class software solutions to optimize all aspects of facility operations.

Standage provides DiGiTRAD, a trading platform that completes trade operations from the initial stage of matching buyers and sellers, through negotiation, settlement and cargo delivery. To meet the needs of cross-border shippers, Standage has invested heavily in high-quality software development, service and support capabilities.

The Standage-Navis partnership is focused on introducing Navis' TOS capabilities to the Japanese market. The increasing size of vessels is forcing ports to operate terminals at a high productivity rate while ensuring safe operation and minimizing environmental impact. Navis' TOS helps the port industry conserve terminal resources, reduce running costs, and minimize non-productive operating times such as vehicle waiting time.

Standage and Navis solutions have the potential to make a significant contribution to the digitalisation of modern maritime logistics and supply chains. Standage and Navis will work closely together to dominate the market with software that leverages the latest advances in speed, visibility and automation across trade and transport networks.


<Contact for inquiries regarding this matter>
Contact Email: charles.gerard@navis.com
Contact: Charles Gerard
URL: https://www.navis.com/#

TEL: 03-6435-3371, FAX: 03-6435-3372
Representative Director and President: Akinori Adachi, Executive Vice President: Kenta Omori
Inquiry Email: info@standage.co.jp
Public Relations Officer/Daido E-mail: daido.j@standage.org

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