A new era of trade payments
Making trade simple and speedy.

Revolutionizing trade with stable coins and electronic BL (eBL).
It eliminates the hassle of transactions and enables smooth simultaneous exchange through linkage with digital safes.
DigiTrad Payments makes trade simpler and faster.

DigiTrad Payments

Japan's first trade settlement system using stablecoins.
DigiTrad Payments revolutionizes trade, making it simpler and faster.

デジトラッド ペイメント


Trade Transactionsinvolved inEveryonefart

Trade transactions are complicated and involve many intertwining factors, such as various international regulations, document exchanges, currency fluctuation risks, and even building trusting relationships with business partners. Do you have any of these concerns?

  • 送金手数料が高すぎる

    The transfer fee is too high

    The fees incurred in international transactions are surprisingly high, increasing the cost of doing business.

  • 着金までの時間が長い

    It takes a long time for the money to arrive

    Transferring money from the importer to the exporter can take time, slowing down transactions.

  • 商品が届かないリスク

    Risk of not receiving your goods

    There have been cases where products have not been delivered even after payment has been sent correctly, which can lead to a loss of trust.

  • 商品代金の回収の不安

    Concerns about collecting product payments

    Delays in payments from business partners and concerns about trade with countries with high country risk.

Easy, error-free and efficient trade settlementRealize this,
andSafe and speedy systemis required.


DigiTrad PaymentsThen
Solving these problemsYou can.

  • 低コストでの取引

    Low cost trading

    Significantly reduce trading costs due to the high fees that were previously used. Improved cost performance through reduced fees creates more trading opportunities.

  • スピーディーな決済を実現

    Speedy payment

    Faster payments without waiting. Digital payments dramatically improve the efficiency and speed of transactions. They can be completed more quickly and with less time than traditional methods.

  • 強固なセキュリティ

    Robust security

    We use cutting-edge security technology. We prioritize the safety of transactions and take measures to prevent security risks. We are at the forefront of protecting user data and assets.

  • 確実性の高い商品受領

    High assurance of receiving your goods

    By increasing the transparency of transactions, you can be sure that your goods will be received. Digitrad Payments' system makes it easy to share information at each stage of a transaction, significantly reducing the risk of non-receipt.

With stable coins and eBL,
TradeSimple and speedyTo.


DigiTrad PaymentsWhat is it?

DigiTrad Payment is a service that uses blockchain to provide a digital safe for importers and exporters, enabling safe and speedy trade transactions.
To ensure the authenticity of the transaction, your money is kept safe in a digital vault until delivery of the goods is confirmed.
Real-time information sharing and advanced security improve the reliability and efficiency of transactions, and ensure that funds are protected until the goods are received.

Use a digital safeTrade settlement process

  • Traditional Transactions

  • DigiTrad Payments

    デジトラッド ペイメント

What are stablecoins?

Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency that aims to have a stable price. As the name suggests, they are characterized by their stable price, and their price is generally pegged to a specific asset (e.g. the US dollar or gold) or a basket of assets.
For this reason, it is expected to have stable value with fewer large price fluctuations than Bitcoin. It is mainly used as an intermediate currency for transactions and transfers on virtual currency exchanges, or as a hedge against the risk of price fluctuations in digital assets.



DigiTrad Payments
Trade settlementFlow

  • Seller: Creates and sends a payment to the buyer, specifying the terms of the transaction.
  • Buyer: Verified payment sent by the seller. At this stage, Buyer decides whether to accept the price, delivery date, and other terms of the transaction.
  • Cellar Tasks

    Creating a payment

  • Buyer Tasks

    Confirmation of payment

  • Seller: Wait for the buyer's payment to be deposited into your digital vault.
  • Buyer: If they agree to the terms, they deposit the money from their wallet into the digital vault.
  • Cellar Tasks

    Waiting for payment

  • Buyer Tasks

    Deposit to wallet

  • Seller: After payment is received, we will ship the item and share the tracking information and expected arrival date with the buyer.
  • Buyer: Verify shipping information, prepare for receipt of goods and prepare paperwork for customs clearance.
  • Cellar Tasks

    Product Shipping

  • Buyer Tasks

    Check shipping information

  • Seller: Once you receive the goods, you will request the release of the funds from the digital vault.
  • Buyer: Verify proper receipt of goods and authorize release of funds to Digitrad Payments.
  • Cellar Tasks

    Request for release

  • Buyer Tasks

    Release Approval


DigiTrad Payments

Japan's first trade settlement system using stablecoins.
DigiTrad Payments revolutionizes trade, making it simpler and faster.

デジトラッド ペイメント


Traditional trade transaction servicesDifferences from

While conventional trade transaction services focus on creating and exchanging electronic bill of lading (eBL), Digitrad Payment not only handles eBL but also has the ability to make trade payments using digital currency.
Combined with payment functionality utilizing digital currency, it will take trade transactions to the next level.

Traditional trade transaction services DigiTrad Payments

Trading fees


In this section, we compare the transaction fees for each service. Lower fees can help reduce costs for your business.


Average fee structure.


Drastically reduce traditional fees and transaction costs.

Transaction Speed


Compare the time between clearing a transaction and receiving the goods. This is extremely important in today's fast-paced business environment.


As there are many transaction steps, it may take some time.


Greatly improve the efficiency and speed of transactions.

Security measures


We compare the quality of security provided by each service and the thoroughness of the measures. Transaction safety is the key to gaining the trust of users.


Basic security.


Improve transaction safety with cutting-edge security technology.

Transaction Transparency


Compare the visibility and sharing of information at each step of the transaction. A transparent transaction is a factor that increases trust.


Some processes require direct inspection and lack transparency.


Visualize the status of each stage of a transaction and easily share information.

User Support


Compare the speed and quality of customer support. The level of support available when a problem occurs will increase users' sense of security.


Standard support system.


Our staff, who are well versed in trade operations, will respond promptly and courteously.



How much does it cost to use?

Usage fees vary depending on the size and frequency of transactions. Please contact us for specific pricing plans.

Is safety guaranteed?

Our service uses the latest security technologies and prioritizes the safety of your transactions. Digital payment security is always at the forefront.

Who has control over the digital safe?

The digital safe is created under the management of the importer and exporter, so the operating company (STANDAGE) cannot withdraw funds from the safe.
The imported vehicle and the exporter will have their own keys.

What trade transactions is it suitable for?

Digitrad Payments is suitable for all types of trade transactions, from international to domestic, and offers features that meet the needs of the digital age.

What does digital currency mean?

Digital currency refers to virtual currency that uses blockchain technology. Among them, stablecoins are known to have stable prices.

Can I use eBL even if I am new to it?

Of course, it is designed to be easy to use even for beginners. With an intuitive UI and comprehensive support, you can handle eBL smoothly.

DigiTrad Payments

Japan's first trade settlement system using stablecoins.
DigiTrad Payments revolutionizes trade, making it simpler and faster.

デジトラッド ペイメント