
Thursday, September 19, 2024 14:00

(9/19) [Urgent event] The last one of this year! How to start developing overseas sales channels with trade agency and subsidies

Event Outline

In recent years, due to the weakening yen and sluggish domestic demand, many companies feel the need to seek new sales channels overseas.
However, many companies are unable to take concrete action due to a lack of resources, know-how, and funds.
This seminar is aimed at such companies.Why promote exports now?We will provide a detailed explanation and propose solutions through our trade agency service, Marunage Trading.
Also, with the introduction of "Marunage Trade"Due to the limited time remaining for applying for available IT implementation subsidies, this seminar was held on short notice over three days.Now is the perfect time to take advantage of subsidies and start expanding overseas while keeping costs down.
In addition, a representative from Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. will be speaking at one part of the lecture to discuss marine insurance.
This is a great opportunity for companies considering expanding into overseas markets to get a concrete action plan. Don't miss this chance, please feel free to join us.

Recommended for:

Owners of small and medium-sized manufacturers/manufacturing and wholesale businesses

For small and medium-sized manufacturers/manufacturing and wholesale companies in charge of overseas business

All companies considering introducing "Marunage Trading"


  • 加藤大介

    Sales Manager, STANDAGE Co., Ltd.

    Daisuke Kato

    Graduated from the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University in 2016.

    After graduating, he joined Kanematsu Corporation and engaged in trading of automobiles, automobile parts, construction machinery, etc., as well as collaboration with overseas investment companies. Convinced of the delay and potential of DX in the BtoB trade sector, he joined STANDAGE Co., Ltd. in July 2022.

    Currently, as head of sales/business development, he is involved in developing users and collaborative partners and promoting business development.

  • 渡辺淳一

    東京海上日動火災保険株式会社 海上業務部・貨物営業開発グループ マネージャー


    2007年 慶應義塾大学商学部卒、東京海上日動火災保険入社。

Seminar details

Date and time

2024年9月19日(木) 14:00 - 15:00


Held via Zoom (For details, please refer to the automated email sent after registration)

  • Speakers and programs may be changed without notice due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Please note that if we determine that your participation in this seminar is inappropriate, such as if you are a member of a competing company, we may refuse your participation.
  • Please note that if the email address you entered is incorrect, your email may not be delivered.