[Activity Report] Visit to Market Enterprise's North Kanto Reuse Center

Hello, this is the Standage sales team. The other day, together with the ambassador from the Zambian Embassy and representatives from Sankyusha, we visited the North Kanto Reuse Center of Market Enterprises Co., Ltd. Market Enterprises is one of the largest second-hand goods centers in Japan. Continue reading 【活動報告】マーケットエンタープライズ社の北関東リユースセンターを見学

Received an official letter of recommendation from the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia as a company that promotes smooth trade between Japan and Zambia.

At the end of August 2021, we received an official letter of recommendation from the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia as a company that promotes safe and secure payments and smooth trade between Japan and Zambia. Japanese used cars are popular in Africa, and in the Republic of Zambia, Japanese used cars are also popular. Continue reading 日本-ザンビア間の円滑な貿易を促進する企業として、ザンビア共和国大使館より公式推薦状を付与

【活動報告】ザンビア大使館 訪問

こんにちは、COOの大森です。 先日、当社営業メンバーと共に、ザンビア大使館を訪問いたしました。 ザンビア共和国とは? アフリカ大陸南部に位置する陸地に囲まれており、面積は日本の約2倍ですが、人口は約1,800万人(日本… Continue reading 【活動報告】ザンビア大使館 訪問