Business trip to Vietnam: Visit to one of Asia’s largest blockchain development companies

Our CEO, Adachi, went on a business trip to Vietnam. The purpose of this trip was to visit Infinity Blockchain Labs (IBL), one of the largest blockchain development companies in Asia. IBL was established in 2015… Continue reading ベトナム出張;アジア最大級のブロックチェーン開発企業の視察

Report on the "Blockchain Hands-on Seminar: Learn with Python" hosted by Pasona Tech Co., Ltd.

On Saturday, November 23rd, we held the "Blockchain Hands-on Seminar [Learn with Python]" (hosted by Pasona Tech Co., Ltd.) at Pasona Group Headquarters JOB HUB SQUARE. At the event, Executive Vice President Omori and... Continue reading ㈱パソナテック主催「【Pythonで学ぶ】ブロックチェーン体験ハンズオンセミナー」レポート

I will be speaking at the "Blockchain Experience Hands-on Seminar [Learn with Python]" (Saturday, November 23rd) hosted by Pasona Tech Co., Ltd.

On Saturday, November 23, 2019, Vice President Omori and our SHC subsidiary will be attending the "Blockchain Hands-on Seminar [Learn with Python]" (hosted by Pasona Tech Co., Ltd.) at Pasona Group Headquarters JOB HUB SQUARE. Continue reading ㈱パソナテック主催「【Pythonで学ぶ】ブロックチェーン体験ハンズオンセミナー」(11/23.Sat)に登壇します。

NEO Blockchain Challenge ends

The hackathon hosted by NEO, which STANDAGE supports, was held for three days from August 24th (Friday) to August 26th (Sunday), and has now concluded. Developers who are serious about blockchain gathered together to share their ideas... Continue reading NEO Blockchain Challenge 閉幕

NEO Blockchain Challenge: August 24th (Friday) to August 26th (Sunday) Hackathon hosted by NEO

A hackathon hosted by NEO, with which STANDAGE is supporting activities, will be held from August 24th (Fri) to August 26th (Sun)! The prize money is a whopping 2 million yen worth of NeoGAS tokens! It is a system development using the NEO blockchain... Continue reading NEOブロックチェーンチャレンジ:8/24(金)~8/26(日) NEO主催 ハッカソン