Featured in today's Nikkei newspaper's "FIN/SUM2022" special feature on promising fintech startups!

Our company was featured in the "FIN/SUM2022" feature in the morning edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun today, in the "Fintech startups expected to do well" section! ✨ This feature is a collaboration between the Nihon Keizai Shimbun and the Financial… Continue reading 本日の日経新聞の『FIN/SUM2022』活躍が期待されるフィンテックスタートアップ特集にて掲載!

Startup pitches at "FIN/SUM2022," sponsored by Nikkei and the Financial Services Agency, advance to second round of selection and reader voting begins!

FIN/SUM 2022, Japan's largest fintech conference, co-hosted by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun and the Financial Services Agency, will be held from March 29 to 31, 2022. The start-up will be held at FIN/SUM 2022. Continue reading 日経・金融庁主催『FIN/SUM2022』スタートアップピッチ、2次選考進出&読者投票スタート!

[Friday, March 4th, JETRO-sponsored webinar] Huge market! Startup trends and future prospects in West Africa and Nigeria

On Friday, March 4, 2022, Executive Vice President Omori will be speaking at an online seminar hosted by JETRO. The theme will be "A huge market! Startup trends and the future of Nigeria, West Africa." JETRO is a Japanese startup company... Continue reading 【3/4(金) JETRO主催ウェビナーに登壇】巨大市場!西アフリカ・ナイジェリアのスタートアップトレンドと今後

Voting for the "15-Second Pitch" semi-finals of the startup pitch contest "X-PITCH" has begun!

The semi-finals of the startup pitch contest "X-PITCH" hosted by Taiwan Accelerator are currently underway with the top 150 companies. Currently, on YouTube, there is a "15-second pitch &… Continue reading スタートアップピッチコンテスト「X-PITCH」セミファイナル、”15秒ピッチ”投票開始!

Advances to the semi-finals of "X-PITCH," a startup pitch contest organized by a Taiwanese accelerator!

We have advanced to the semi-finals of the startup pitch contest "X-PITCH" organized by Taiwan Accelerator! "X-PITCH" is a competition held in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and… Continue reading 台湾アクセラレーター主催、スタートアップピッチコンテスト「X-PITCH」セミファイナルへ進出!

東洋経済「すごいベンチャー100」2021年版 に当社が選出されました!

週刊東洋経済様の「すごいベンチャー100」2021年版 に当社を選出いただきました! 「すごいベンチャー100」は、週刊東洋経済さんが毎年恒例で実施している、これから成長が期待できるベンチャー企業を100社選出し紹介して… Continue reading 東洋経済「すごいベンチャー100」2021年版 に当社が選出されました!

コーポレートサイト リニューアルのお知らせ

平素より当社サイトをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 この度、コーポレートサイトをリニューアルいたしました。 ■リニューアルの背景 当社は、2021年3月に創業4周年を迎え、5期目に突入いたしました。 当社の提供… Continue reading コーポレートサイト リニューアルのお知らせ

I will be speaking at an online seminar hosted by the Blockchain Promotion Consortium (BCCC)!

Internet of things , iot , smart home , smart city and network connect concept. Human hand holding white phone and iot icon with city sunset view and earth furnished by NASA. background and wifi icons

Our COO, Mr. Omori, will be speaking at the online seminar hosted by the Blockchain Promotion Association (BCCC) on Thursday, August 26, 2021! In advancing our platform business, the key is to increase the number of customers who use it. Continue reading ブロックチェーン推進協会(BCCC)主催のオンラインセミナーに登壇します!

Passed the document screening for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "DX Promotion Demonstration Experiment Project"!

Our company, Standage, has passed the document screening for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "DX Promotion Demonstration Experiment Project" in the DX area for small and medium-sized enterprises (phase 2). The purpose of this project is to promote the business model of startups that have innovative products and services in the DX field. Continue reading 東京都事業「DX推進実証実験プロジェクト」書類選考通過!


米国シリコンバレーを拠点とするベンチャーキャピタル「Pegasus Tech Ventures(ペガサス・テック・ベンチャーズ)」が主催の、世界最大規模のスタートアップコンテスト🏆『Startup Wor… Continue reading 『StartupWorldCup』にエントリーしています!Twitterにて東京予選進行中!