
ゼロからのアフリカ販路開拓に成功。全自動PCR検査機器をアフリカ地域に展開へプレシジョン・システム・サイエンス株式会社 様



  • 感染症の問題が深刻視されるアフリカ諸国への展開をかねてより考えていたが、現地の事情に通じたパートナー企業や代理店との接触機会が得られず課題になっていた。


  • エジプト・ケニアの展示会での製品 紹介と販売代理店探しの結果、 アフリカ初の成約、販売代理店獲得 及び製品販売を実現
  • PSSブランドの新たな遺伝子診断分野における製品プロモーション活動も実施予定


Since around 2020, the world has been hit by the hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing chaos in many regions. Africa in particular has a developing medical field, and various infectious disease issues have been a serious concern even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Against this backdrop, PSS had long been keen to expand its in-house products, the automated nucleic acid (gene) extraction device "magLEAD" and the fully automated PCR testing device "geneLEAD," into Africa; however, it had been unable to access partner companies or agents familiar with local conditions in Africa, which was a major challenge.

Since its founding in 2017, Standage has been focusing on Africa, with bases in four countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, and Egypt. It employs local staff and is engaged in various initiatives related to trade with Africa.


In supporting the exports of domestic companies, we have also demonstrated our strengths in building trade and developing sales channels with Africa, leveraging the strong relationships we have built with Africa since our founding.

The contract was reached because Standage, which has bases and relationships in the region and strengths in building trade with Africa, would be able to support PSS, which wants to expand its medical equipment into Africa, and thereby contribute to the development of medical care and welfare in the region.


Since the products are purchased domestically, manufacturers can export them with the same procedures and labor hours as for shipping domestically. Standage will then handle all sales channel development, contract-related work, and preparation of export-related documents.

At the same time, Standage will understand the manufacturer's products and conduct a survey of the local market and demand. Based on the results, Standage will carry out promotional activities such as exhibiting at exhibitions where local buyers gather, and will handle everything from inquiries to price negotiations, contracts, payments, and transportation arrangements including samples.

As a result of promoting two types of PSS PCR testing equipment at a local exhibition, an inquiry was received from an Egyptian distributor, and the supply of the equipment was realized.

プレシジョン・システム・サイエンス 取締役 田中英樹様のコメント

We develop, manufacture and supply fully automated PCR testing equipment used primarily in in vitro diagnostics and research fields that involve genes, as well as associated dedicated consumables (gene extraction reagents, etc.) worldwide.

In the past, our main business was OEM supply, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, awareness of our own brand has rapidly increased, and now selling our own brand products has become our core business.


Standage's Vice President, Mr. Omori, is a former researcher in the bio-related field and has a deep knowledge of the genetic testing field. After gaining a deep understanding of the concept of PSS's products, he immediately began introducing the products at exhibitions in Egypt and Kenya and searching for sales agents.

Furthermore, we received support from a dedicated Egyptian-born person in Egypt, Africa, and as a result, we were able to achieve our long-cherished dream of making our first contract in Africa, gaining a sales agent, and selling our products. It truly made us realize how easy it is to handle the entire process of international trade.



Making trade freer and easier

For trade-related inquiries, please contact us here.